Monday, May 20, 2013



It is the head of the canton cantonal capital Pastaza Province Pastaza. It is one of the most important cities of the Amazon region of Ecuador. Puyo is the term that means mist puyu Quichua.. It is characterized by have climate is hot and humid.

You can enjoy a sightseeing tour of the rivers Pambay and Puyo: It is a popular seaside resort, where there is a lot of people swimming, delighting landscape and especially hot and humid climate that offers, it is also an excellent place for take pictures and practice sports.

Morete Puyu Water Park: Built in 2004 by the municipality, in order to promote tourism. Between his attractions are the wave pool, and the slides highest in the country, sauna, Turkish bath, semi-Olympic pool, diving pool, tennis courts, basketball, football, volleyball and green areas. 

Real Exotic of Birds Park: Located on km. 1 of the Puyo - Macas in the Neighborhood Union, behind the church. Real Exotic of Birds Park: Is home to almost 500 birds from around the world, where you can admire the different species birds and take photographs.

The Church Cathedral and Central Park "May 12": They have an undeniable historical value.

Allpa Ñucanchi Indian Center: Is an association of people of different nationalities (Quichua, Shuar, Huaorani, Zapara Achuar Shiwiar and andoa). The attraction consists of a hut where they offer numerous crafts and foods, also performed native dances and shamanistic cures to the public.

You have a natural environment surrounded by lush vegetation typical of the Ecuadorian Amazon.


Confortable single and double room
Patio plants and hammocks to relax
Social Events
Typical food


Enjoy the best amenities of the Amazon and of our exciting adventure activities in the area.
Jungle walks and visits to waterfalls.
Canoeing on rivers
Visit indigenous communities.
Tour Air around of the Amazon.
Observation of exotic birds in the royal park.



Is the capital of Los Rios province is one of the most important cities for its river port and is considered the "River Capital of Ecuador".

It has a large agricultural production: bananas, rice, banana, corn, cacao, cassava, sugar cane, snuff, coffee, tropical fruits. Babahoyo has become lately in the major business center and opening of large companies.

You can enjoy delicious typical foods of this city as: ceviche, shrimp and fish, chicken and meat dry, fried sea bass with fried plantains, hose broth, fish roll, rice with stew, fried plantain and tropical fruit juices etc.

Activities of Festivities: Montubios Rodeos are held: sports games, contests palo encebado and amorfinosa re very exciting for national and foreing tourists.

The house José Joaquín de Olmedo: is one of the most important attractions of the canton.

The Cathedral Church: in its exhibits facade in a giant mosaic mural of the image of the Virgin Mother.

Beach of Salto Natural: Is an attractive wonderful where you can do some of the events organized Babahoyo International Carnival each year.

  • Restaurants
  • Cafeterias
  • Bars and Clubs
  • Hotels
  • Travel and tourism
  • Spas and Beauty
  • Shopping
  • Cinemas and Entertainment
  • Sports and hobbies
  • Music and Art



Vilcabamba comes from Quechua, Huilcopamba which means "plain of the sacred tree". This paradise is located south of Loja province, have pleasant climate and a natural charm that allows us to enjoy the landscape and biodiversity.

From colorful and spectacular natural beauty is bathed by rivers and Uchima Chamba, shows your charm Vilcabamba Valley, is a "hidden paradise" that transports us to the past with large courtyards and beautiful gardens.

The city has a interesting traditional architecture that belongs to the Republican era. Much of its population is engaged in agriculture and it is quite common to find elders who still perform agricultural tasks.

You can enjoy the Yamburara recreation area, which is a small zoo that is 1 1/2 km from the town center, which showcases local animals and a large conservatory with an excellent collection of plants you have around 30 species of orchids.

You can find hotels from modest, economic and luxury with many services.

Outdoor pool
Patios with city, mountain or garden
Internet access.
TV (cable or satellite)
Room Service


GALAPAGOS ISLANDS:This archipelago have many diversity of species sharing the same place with tourists. Ideal for diving and eco-tourism is the place more visited for national and foreign tourists.           

The Galapagos reptiles, half of the bird species, 32% of plants, and 25% of the fish as well as a number of invertebrates are endemic and are found exclusively in this natural sanctuary. 

The birds represented by more than 13 different species of finches, penguins, cormorants, boobies, hawks, sparrows, albatrosses and llamingos, among others, are avifaunas samples from diverse backgrounds who have adapted to the island.

Due to the wealth in variety of flora and fauna of Galapagos Archipelago was declared by UNESCO “Natural Humanity Heritage".

You can do cruise in Santa Cruz islands and San Cristobal where you can practice water sports and extreme sports.


THE COAST REGION: The Coast is known for its warm climate, beaches are its biggest attraction, you can enjoy with your family, of relax and extreme sports, as surfing, jet-skiing, windsurfing, scuba diving, paragliding, fishing and all kind of water sports are also offered and affordable. His five provinces have beaches and spas very attractive for tourists. 

The Ecuadorian Coast holds many potential cities of industry, business and tourism, as the largest port of economy amplitude in Ecuador "Guayaquil", Manta port with an increasing of tourism development in the city and its surroundings. Areas banana, cocoa, shrimp and others form a strong economic development.

You can enjoy and experience of different tourist routes than have this region as: Cocoa Route, Spondylus Route, Sugar Route, Fisherman Route, Fe Route, Adventure Route and the Race Route.


AMAZON REGION: Has with lush vegetation, typical of humid-tropical forests. Is charming for adventure tourism, rivers, caves, waterfalls make of this visiting the Ecuadorian Amazon be unforgettable. The world's is largest that the remaining tropical rainforest, where houses a huge biological diversity and many unique species. The most of ethnic groups as Shuar and redwoods live in Aguarico and Cuyabeno, the Yumbo, Auca, Zápara Puyo, the Cofan in Putumayo and Aguarico, engaged in farming and fishing. 

Travel around Ecuadorian Jungle is easier than in other countries, because the distance between the cities to access sites in the jungle are not so distant; even there are places that can be reached by bus.


You can know about the tourist route of Amazon region "Yaku Ñamby" or "Water Route", and adventure sports as "rafting", "kayaking", plus fishing, swimming, scientific and agro tourism circuits, visits to indigenous nationalities, bird watching and gastronomy.


The Highlands region has its origins in pre-Inca culture is a mix of ethnic groups which contain a variety of traditions and customs impressive. Indigenous communities retain their beliefs and practices of the ancient worship of the earth, the mountains and the sun.

This region it consists of 11 provinces along the Andes. It has a broad variety of tourist attractions, is characterized by Adventure tourism and risks their mountains, volcanoes and valleys are considered as challenges for extreme athletes. You can visit their shelters and enjoy the snow in the middle of the world. You can admire different Indigenous markets, famous worldwide for being very colorful.

The numerous national parks and protected areas offer a wide range of microclimates and the huge biodiversity is incredible. 

You should not losses admire the beautiful lagoons of Imbabura province, know colonial Cuenca city and do the different tourist routes of Andes region as: Liberating Path, Path Train Half of World Lakes Road, Waterfall Route and Route flowers.


Ecuador is located in an excellent geographical about equinoccional line position, where there is not latitude and the four seasons happen in one day is very impressive, have the largest biodiversity unique of animals and plants in the world. Is a multiethnic and multicultural country full of surprises for you and your family. You shouldn't loses the charm and fun of the different tourist attractions that have my beautiful country.

Its beautiful capital is Quito is characterized by have colonial styles to attract all kinds of tourists, offering a wide variety of culinary styles. Quito also has recreational bikeways to improve the environment in the city.

Ecuador account as three natural Regions and Galapagos Islands very interesting in which you have the opportunity observe and admire its wonderful landscapes as in the fascinating Galapagos Islands, the extensive beaches on the Pacific Green, the majesty of the Andes and its volcanoes. You can enjoy different activities adventure, culture and relaxation in beaches, forest, island and, snowcapped.


My magnificent country it is currently one of the country most traditional and best preserved in the world culturally.

Thanks to tourism promotion done diary the Tourism Ministry, Ecuador has become the fourth country most visited in South America, improving every day products and services for national and foreign tourists, obtaining economic high development in the country.

Ecuador's gastronomy is quite varied, you can enjoy food delicious as: Allullas,
Encocado, Empanadas de Morocho, Empanadas de Viento, Fritada, Fanesca, Hornado, Humitas of corn, Llapingacho, Locro de Papa, Seco de chivo, Seco de gallina, Seco de guanta, Sopa de Carne y Torrejas, Sopa Marinera, Timbushca, Tripa mishqui, Viche, Yaguarlocro, Tortillas con caucara

Activities range from the rest and relaxation on the beaches and resorts to adventure sports as: paragliding, parasailing, diving, also hiking in nature, observation bird, cultural tours to ancient archaeological places and site museums. You can buy crafts of Ecuador, between figures and carved artifacts "tagua" the seed of a native palm.